Free Confidential Consultation: 408-370-9688 Or 800-811-1800
Free Confidential Consultation: 408-370-9688 Or 800-811-1800


for Those Suffering from Substance Abuse in Northern California

Does a live-in, structured drug/alcohol treatment program with demonstrated success sound like a good fit?

Then residential treatment may be for you…especially if support would help you stop using or drinking.

Residential clients live on-site in one of our treatment centers for the program duration. You’ll be supervised 24 hours a day, 7 days per week by knowledgeable, compassionate staff.

SSH has been a part of Northern California’s treatment field for over 25 years…so when we say this works, we know it for sure!

Residential Treatment Basics

Clients entering residential treatment first participate in an orientation and assessment to help acclimate them to the program. This also lets our staff get to know them and learn what’s important to you.

New clients are then paired with a certified counselor, who will guide them through the entire treatment process.

The first week of treatment, clients work with their counselor to develop a treatment plan with achievable goals. The target? Living a healthier lifestyle, clean and sober.

Our daily schedule of educational and therapeutic groups supports the stabilization and early recovery processes. Counselors help coordinate services, tailoring them to individual needs, work with family members/loved ones if the client desires, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Peer Support is Key

Residential treatment clients benefit from living with others who have gone through similar experiences. You’ll be paired with another resident—a “peer buddy”—upon admission.

Peer buddies help new clients learn about program expectations and the daily schedule, while providing invaluable support at an often stressful time. This initiates the process of showing clients how to build a network of peer support that will serve them after they return home.

Why Choose SSH as Your Treatment Center

You’ll receive excellent care in our residential facilities. Our clinical team consists of counselors, supervisory personnel, and a consulting American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) certified physician.

In addition to individualized treatment planning, counselors and clients work together to identify a discharge plan that supports long-term recovery. We also offer legal system advocacy, transportation to appointments, medication monitoring, healthy snacks and meals, access to fitness equipment, and recreational opportunities during treatment.

Curious about the centers themselves? Here are photos of one to scroll through.

We take all precautions to give you a safe, comfortable environment while in treatment.

Family Members Need Support, Too!

Clients may have family members interested in learning more about recovery, and how they can manage their own worries relating to their loved one’s substance abuse.

To support families in this respect, SSH started a family educational program many years ago. Family members are free to attend this program on Saturdays at no cost.

How Long Do I Stay In Residential Treatment?

Residential treatment is not “cookie cutter.” We individualize the program based on your needs. The average stay is around 28-30 days, but this can be adjusted as clinically appropriate.

Ready for Residential Treatment? Call Us to Get Started

If you came to Support Systems Homes for detox, your counselor will discuss residential treatment as a post-detox option.

If you’re researching addiction treatment options and live in or near the San Francisco Bay Area, Support Systems Homes has a rehab center near you. Call us to discuss residential treatment:
