We all know it: Living in Silicon Valley is hard. You’re in a constant grind, a 24/7 lifestyle. Traffic’s everywhere. You’re under endless pressure to perform at work. And there’s the extremely high cost of living.
No surprise some of us turn to “performance enhancers” to keep up. Or indulge in “a few drinks” to relax.
What happens when you start to rely on them, though? When you feel like you can’t make deadline without a “boost,” or you’re drinking at your desk.
You start to worry. The word “addiction” flashes through your mind.
Of course, you push it aside. You’re perfectly functional. It’s just a boost, isn’t it? You need it to compete, don’t you?
Here’s the first truth you need to hear…“functional addiction” is an oxymoron. It’s still addiction.
Although most “functional” addicts believe their “performance enhancing” activities have no lasting effects, the evidence says otherwise. Damaged hearts, livers, and lungs frequently plague users. Same with consequences related to your career and your personal relationships.
One day, the substance you used to “keep up” has destroyed all the gains you hoped to make and set you back even further. Instead of enhancing your life…the substance may endanger it!
You probably know this already. Yet you don’t want to think about “rehab.” It’s too expensive. Takes too much time. You’re not an addict anyway; why would you want to go to a treatment center? The stigma’s unbearable. You’d never work in your field again.
Here’s the second truth…addiction treatment isn’t a career-killer. Nor is it too expensive.
Each person recovers from drug/alcohol addiction in his or her own way. Which is why the cookie-cutter “These are the steps” treatment plans don’t work well. Instead, busy professionals like you need individualized treatment planning tailored to your needs.
Think of it like this. When you order coffee, you like it a certain way. Same with your favorite foods at restaurants. Individualized treatment plans work in the same manner—the program type, length of stay, goals, and approach used are all customized for you. How you work. How you get better.
At Support Systems Homes, we develop an individualized treatment plan with every client who comes in the door. A counselor will talk with you about your priorities, your situation, and your goals. Then we’ll work up the right treatment plan for you. With you.
It’s not just the best approach to achieving long-term recovery from addiction…in our opinion, it’s the ONLY way.
What kind of “rehab services” do we mean? Here’s an example. These are the programs our Silicon Valley professional clients usually choose:
By the way, we encourage family members to take part in the treatment process, as appropriate. They are all welcome to attend our weekly family education program with you.
By now you’re wondering how expensive all of this is. Custom plans, treatment that takes into account your busy schedule…how affordable can this be?When you’re a Support Systems Homes client, it’s surprisingly affordable. Not only when it comes to fees, but also affordable in time. We’re based in San Jose, and have been here since 1999…we know how true the saying, “Time is Money” actually is!
Here’s how we make it affordable to you:
Here’s our third and final truth…you don’t need a “performance enhancer” or “a few drinks” to survive in Silicon Valley.
If you’re already using those substances, it’s time to move beyond them. Take an honest look at your lifestyle. Make it better.
Support Systems Homes (SSH) is here to help with our affordable rehab programs. Based in Northern California’s San Francisco Bay Area, our San Jose rehab centers provide a comprehensive structure of addiction treatment programs, sober living environments, and services for those suffering from substance use disorders.
We treat all communications with the utmost confidence; your communication to us is secured and never shared.
Ready to start on your next Silicon Valley adventure? Call us at 800-811-1800, 24/7.
Beat the addiction by seeking rehab. It’s affordable. It’s critical. It’s right here.