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Free Confidential Consultation: 408-370-9688 Or 800-811-1800

SSH Joins TAP for its Annual Picnic at the Oakland Zoo

TAP Picnic 2018

Last Saturday, August 18, the SSH team joined the Teamsters TAP program and friends for their 21st annual picnic!

We’ve participated in this picnic event for 15 years now. Each year it’s a huge success – families from all over the Bay Area come together for a good time and to celebrate healthy living. We even help out the Oakland Zoo by holding the event in its “Tiger Timbers” picnic site.

What is TAP?

TAP stands for “Teamsters’ Assistance Program.” It’s a program put on by the Teamsters union to help its members cope with personal & job-related problems.

From the TAP website:

“TAP provides eligible union members and their eligible dependents with assessment, referral, and follow-up services for alcohol/drug related job and personal problems. TAP provides limited EAP services for stress, anger management and critical incident debriefing. Training services are also provided. TAP counselors help you determine if there is a problem, help you get to the right place for help, provide you with a variety of continuing care programs and opportunities for ongoing support.”

SSH has worked with TAP for over 15 years now. We assist its members with drug & alcohol rehabilitation, welcoming them into our treatment programs. It’s a privilege to help union workers get clean & sober, so they can continue their important work.

If you’re a member of the Teamsters union and are struggling with alcoholism or drug use, contact the TAP Program at their website:

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