Free Confidential Consultation: 408-370-9688 Or 800-811-1800
Free Confidential Consultation: 408-370-9688 Or 800-811-1800

The Chance I Needed to Get Sober

Support Systems gave me the chance I needed to get sober, and I couldn’t be more grateful. I came in broken and lost, and they accepted me with open arms. The staff and counselors know what they’re doing, they all became like family to me. I not only was able to get clean, but I...
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Today our son is one year free of drugs and alcohol. We want you to know how highly we value the contribution you, your staff and the Support Systems philosophy have made to his recovery. This has been a long and bumpy road, with many detours along the way. The reality is it’s a never-ending...
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When I first walked through this door to your Outpatient program, I was here for probation and the courts. I was also still in shock over my mother’s very recent passing. After attending a few sessions I was impressed by the group’s honesty and openness. Sharing on group level was a big part of realizing...
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SSH has given me a second shot at a first class life. Words could never describe all I have gotten out of this program. I truly feel you have shown me a new way to live a life filled with happiness and contentment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart – I’m forever in...
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The program’s great. Things are very different after the experience, having met the people. [Treatment was] very eye-opening to things I wasn’t conscious of…mainly myself. Being in the setting was very therapeutic. I didn’t think that would be the case, that anything would get done. You ran it so well, with so much structure, that...
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The counselors honed in on topics relevant to you. If I’d known about that beforehand, it would have helped me [get treatment sooner]. I was in therapy for years, but this catapulted me into something better. I assumed it was just “meetings + a place where you can’t drink.” It’s not. You’re getting therapy in...
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Support Systems Homes

1202 Meridian Ave.
San Jose, CA 95125
Call 408-370-9688 or 800-811-1800

264 North Morrison Ave.
San Jose, CA 95126
Call 408-370-9688 or 800-811-1800

Certification # 430027GP
Certified by the State Department of Healthcare Services