Free Confidential Consultation: 408-370-9688 Or 800-811-1800
Free Confidential Consultation: 408-370-9688 Or 800-811-1800


February 20, 2019
Ayahuasca Use in Bay Area
Have you ever heard of “Ayahuasca?” You may have already…it’s a popular search term here in Northern California. Also known as “Yage,” it’s a uniquely powerful hallucinogen. So powerful that some insist it’s a priceless medicine, not any sort of drug. However, that perception masks the very real risks of the substance. What does ayahuasca...
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Support Systems Homes

1202 Meridian Ave.
San Jose, CA 95125
Call 408-370-9688 or 800-811-1800

Certification # 430027GP
Certified by the State Department of Healthcare Services

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