Free Confidential Consultation: 408-370-9688 Or 800-811-1800
Free Confidential Consultation: 408-370-9688 Or 800-811-1800


Opioid Crisis
Fentanyl Epidemic
Drug overdoses have increased 30% since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The increase in lethal and near-lethal drug use has devastated our society. What’s the cause of most overdoses? More than any other addictive substance, it’s synthetic opioids—particularly fentanyl. Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid, similar to morphine, but a hundred times more potent....
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There’s no shortage of problems spawned by the pandemic. One deserves more attention than it’s getting, even now. Those suffering from addiction to opioids are worse off than they were in January. While we still don’t know the true cost nationwide, it’s worth talking about the problem, and what (if anything) we can do to...
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Addiction Physical Effects
Something that surprises many of our clients is the importance of diet in rehabilitation. Why? Addiction has one of the most damaging effects possible on our bodies. Restoring a healthy diet goes a long way toward recovering from the addiction. A healthy body helps promote a healthy mind. And a healthy mind is what you’ll...
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Detox from Substance Use
Ever wondered about the term “detox?” What does it mean? What does it involve? Is it as bad as the horror stories you see online? This post will discuss the ins and outs of detox. What it is, how the process works, and what to realistically expect. Too many people view detox as a horrible...
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Hidden Substance Abuse Costs
We’ve all seen a movie or TV show documenting someone’s spiral into addiction. Losing things on the way down—jobs, friends, significant others, their health, and of course, money. But addiction costs more than that; it also has other, less visible costs. Some are temporary, like the friend who left months prior reappearing to help you...
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Enabling vs. Helping a Drug Addict
Most of us will want to help a friend or loved one suffering from addiction. If they need something, we’ll want to get it for them. But what if they ask you to buy them more drugs? Do we get them what they ‘want’? If you do, this is what we call enabling. Bringing an...
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Support Systems Homes

1202 Meridian Ave.
San Jose, CA 95125
Call 408-370-9688 or 800-811-1800

Certification # 430027GP
Certified by the State Department of Healthcare Services

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