Free Confidential Consultation: 408-370-9688 Or 800-811-1800
Free Confidential Consultation: 408-370-9688 Or 800-811-1800


Drug Rehab
Detox from Substance Use
Ever wondered about the term “detox?” What does it mean? What does it involve? Is it as bad as the horror stories you see online? This post will discuss the ins and outs of detox. What it is, how the process works, and what to realistically expect. Too many people view detox as a horrible...
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Rock to Recovery Music Therapy
You might think an addiction treatment program would be boring. It might even keep you away from a rehab center, thinking your days would drag on, reducing life to a dull haze. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, in this post we’re going to explain just how exciting treatment can get. Some...
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Office Work and Rehab
“I can’t take time off for rehab. I’d lose my job!” We get it. Taking time off work is a challenge in the best of times. Even if it’s for something as life-changing as a rehab program. When people think like this, they’re thinking of rehab as a cost. An immediate inconvenience. A general pain....
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Gaming with Sober Friends
Your friend gets sober. Good for them, right? The drinking got pretty bad for a while. You’re happy for them getting their life in order. Thing is, now you feel a little uncomfortable around them… Why is that? You may not be sure. Let’s talk about it. The answer may surprise you. In most cases,...
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Supporting Friends
Seeing a loved one overcome their addiction and finally lead a healthy and productive life is a dream come true, isn’t it? You’ve fought the uphill battle of addiction right alongside them…maybe by refusing to give them money for drugs or alcohol. Maybe you held your ground when they lashed out at you in anger....
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Marijuana Use While Pregnant
We’ve heard it for decades. “Don’t smoke while pregnant! It’s dangerous for the baby!” But they mean smoking cigarettes. What about marijuana? It’s said to help curb morning sickness. As well as the aches & pains that come with pregnancy. If it helps the mother with all those, it can’t be all bad, can it?...
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Support Systems Homes

1202 Meridian Ave.
San Jose, CA 95125
Call 408-370-9688 or 800-811-1800

Certification # 430027GP
Certified by the State Department of Healthcare Services

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